Self Care Management Programme

Posted by: Umbrella Medical - Posted on:

If you are living with a long-term health condition, why not join the Self Care Management Programme and take better care of yourself

What is a Self Care Management course?

It’s a FREE six week course for anyone living with any long-term health condition. The programme aims to help you take more care of your health by learning new skills
to manage your condition better on a daily basis.

Who can take part?

Anyone living with one or more long-term health condition.

How can it help you?

  • Gain/extend knowledge about how to live with your condition
  • Feel confident and more in control of your life
  • Manage your condition and treatment together with healthcare professionals
  • Be realistic about the impact of your condition on yourself and your family
  • Use your new skills and knowledge to improve your quality of life
  • Meet others who share similar experiences