Hatherton Medical Centre

Hatherton Medical Centre

Part of Umbrella Medical Group

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Contact us online

You can contact us about a medical, administrative or prescription issue by clicking here. Or directly through the NHS App.

How to use the online form

  • Click on the “Contact us online” button
  • Select either admin or medical request
  • Confirm this is a non urgent request
  • Write the request to the practice, giving as much information as possible
  • Tell the practice how you want to be contacted
  • Enter your details
  • Press submit!

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Surgery Map

There are 2 GP surgeries operating inside the building. These are The Saddlers Medical Centre and Umbrella Medical (previously Lichfield Street, Sycamore House and The Limes). The Saddlers have 1 receptionist on the ground floor. Umbrella Medical have 2 receptionists on the ground floor and 1 on the first floor.

Please make sure you speak to a receptionist from your surgery as we cannot access each other’s computer systems. If you are not a patient at that surgery, the receptionist cannot access your information.

Interactive Map

Please go to the First Floor reception desk for:

  • Appointment check-in for ultrasound scans, midwives, and sexual health.
  • Collecting prescriptions
  • Collecting sample containers
  • Registering as a new patient

Non-urgent advice: Remember to type in your car registration number

When visiting the practice, you must type in your car’s registration number on one of the tablets in reception.

If you do not register your car within 15 minutes, you will receive a fixed penalty notice from UK Car Park Management Limited.

Click here for more information

Please note the practice is not responsible for any fixed penalty notices. The ANPR system is not controlled by the practice, and we cannot override these fines.