Our reception team will signpost you to other services available to you if we are unable to offer you an appointment at the practice as quickly as you would like
Likewise, the GP isn’t always the best person for you to see, depending on your current health concern(s)
Signposting allows you to receive the right care, from the right person, when you need it
You can refer yourself to any of these services at any time
Within the Practice
Contact us online
If you are struggling to contact the practice, or struggling to get an appointment when you need it, contact us online.
Using this service you can get help for your medical condition, or administrative help such as sick notes.
Adults 18yrs+ only.
This service is not appropriate for children under the age of 18yrs.
Please do not submit a request to simply book an appointment with the GP or nurse. Please tell us your current concerns and we can arrange further appointments or tests as required.
First Contact Physiotherapist
Please book at reception
What can they help with?
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries (EG: tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains)
- Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain
- Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, eg pins and needles or numbness
- Arthritis – any joint
The role of First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway. FCPs are physiotherapists with expertise in the assessment and management of Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.
First Contact Mental Health
Please book at reception
What can they help with?
If you are struggling with your mental health and need to speak to someone, you can book to speak to our first contact mental health practitioner.
Social Prescriber
Please speak to reception
What can they help you with?
- Looking at how illness affects all parts of your life.
- Helping you get the support you need with day to day challenges.
- Providing detailed assessments of what services might be needed.
- Helping navigate financial & social services support.
Patient Representation Group (PRG)
Please speak to reception
Outside the practice
Pharmacy First
Website: Pharmacy First :: Black Country ICB
Address: Local pharmacy (NHS Find a Pharmacy)
What can they help you with?
- Coughs
- Colds
- Tummy Trouble
- Aches and pains
- Sinusitis (adults and children ages 12 years and over)
- Sore throat (adults and children aged 5 years and over)
- Earache (children and young adults aged 1 year to 17 years)
- Infected insect bite (adults and children aged 1 year and over)
- Impetigo (adults and children aged 1 year and over)
- Shingles (adults aged 18 years and over)
- Urinary tract infection (women aged 16 to 64 years)
You can now get clinical advice and treatment from local pharmacies in the Midlands for a range of minor illnesses including UTIs, conjunctivitis and eczema.
NHS 111
Phone: 111
Online: 111.nhs.uk or on your NHS App (for people aged 5 and over only)
Video Relay (BSL): signvideo.co.uk
When you think you need A&E, go to NHS 111 first. They’ll help you right away and, if needed, a healthcare professional will call you.
GP Extended Access Hub (OurNet)
Emergency Contraception
Website: nhs.uk
- Local pharmacy (NHS Find a Pharmacy)
- WISH Sexual Health Clinic, Pleck Road, Walsall WS2 9ES
What can they help you with?
There are 2 types of emergency contraception:
- the emergency contraceptive pill (morning after pill) – there are 2 types, Levonelle or ellaOne
- the intrauterine device (IUD), or coil
Travel Vaccinations
Website: nhs.uk
- Some pharmacies (NHS Find a Pharmacy)
- Private travel vaccination clinics
What can they help you with?
If you’re planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.
COVID Support
Website: nhs.uk
Phone: 119
Video Relay (BSL): signvideo.co.uk
What can they help you with?
You can call 119 if you have questions or need help with coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations, testing, NHS COVID Pass, and more.
Calls to 119 are free from mobiles and landlines. 119 provides support in 200 languages.
Mental Health
Talking Saves Lives
There’s always someone to listen.
Mental Health Crisis
Black Country Crisis
Website: blackcountryhealthcare.nhs.uk
Phone: 0800 008 6516 (24/7)
Text: 07860 025 281 (24/7)
What can they help you with?
A mental health crisis is when you feel your mental health is at breaking point, and you need urgent help and support.
Crisis Text Service (SHOUT)
Website: Crisis Text Line UK
Text: SHOUT to 85258 (24/7)
What can they help you with?
A trained crisis volunteer will respond and reflect on what you’ve said. They will invite you to share the information you feel comfortable with.
The volunteer will help you sort through your feelings, supporting you until you feel more calm and safe.
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling
Website: Crisis Pregnancy Counselling – WPH Counselling – UK
Phone: 01922 649 000
Email: reception@wphcounselling.org
What can they help you with?
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling provides a safe space for individuals who are experiencing unplanned pregnancy to discuss their options with an unbiased counsellor who is there to listen, support and help them make an informed decision that is right for them.
Mental Health Practitioner / Talking therapies
Talking Therapies
Website: blackcountryhealthcare.nhs.uk
Phone: 0800 953 0995
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Conflict
- Life changes
- Grief and loss
- Relationships
Deaf Psychological Therapy (in BSL)
Website: signhealth.org.uk
Text: 07984 439 473
Phone: 07966 976 747
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
If you want to know more about how you’re feeling, find information about a mental health condition or get support, they can help.
Sanctuary Hubs
Website: Need someone to talk to? :: Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Feeling lonely, overwhelmed or that things are too much for right now? The Sanctuary Hubs are here for you.
Opening Times:
- Monday to Friday, 6pm to 11pm
- Saturday and Sunday, 12pm (noon) to 11pm
- Dudley Sanctuary Hub, DY1 Community Centre, Stafford Street, Dudley, DY1 1SA
- Sandwell Sanctuary Hub, Hope Place, 321 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8LU
- Walsall Sanctuary Hub, 1 Queen’s Parade, Bloxwich, Walsall, WS3 2EX
- Wolverhampton Sanctuary Hub, 84 Salop Street, Wolverhampton, WV3 0SR
If you can’t visit a Sanctuary Hub you can self-refer or be referred with your consent by contacting the Black Country 24/7 Helpline by phone or text
Phone: 0800 008 6516
Text: 07860 025 281
Op COURAGE: the Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
Specialist care and support for Service leavers, reservists, veterans and their families.
Website: Op COURAGE | The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (opcouragemidlands.nhs.uk)
Phone: 0300 323 0137
Email: mevs.mhm@nhs.net
Recovery College
Website: www.therecoverycollege.co.uk
Phone: 0121 543 4061 or 07979199991
Email: info@therecoverycollege.co.uk
The Recovery College provides a supportive educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal challenges with mental health. Our courses celebrate successes, building on your skills and strengths.
We promote messages of hope, choice, and opportunity for all and aim to help people build lives beyond services.
Cancer Support
Website: Cancer Information And Support | Macmillan Cancer Support
Phone: 0808 808 00 00
Email: via their website Email the Macmillan Support Line – Macmillan Cancer Support
Chat online: Chat online | Macmillan Cancer Support
Help Harry Help Others
Website: Help Harry Help Others – Cancer Support Charity
Phone: 0121 783 5407
Email: enquiries@hhho.org.uk
Address: 8 Midland Croft, Birmingham, B33 0AW
Cancer affects 1 in 2 people. If you are worried about any of the following, we can help:
- Struggling with a diagnosis for yourself or a loved one?
- Has a change in circumstances created money worries?
- Feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, uncertainty or helpless?
- Changes in a Child’s behaviour (anger, withdrawn or distant)?
We understand that cancer affects more than people’s health. That is why we have created HHHO.
In an informal home from home environment, we offer:
Core services:
- Emotional Support / Listening
- Counselling for Adults, Children &
- Teenagers
- Benefits Advice
- Debt & Financial Advice
- HelpCOPE grants to families suffering
- financial hardship
- Housing & Council Tax Advice
- Breast Care Advice & Bra Fitting
Support & Workshops:
- A variety of Support Groups
- Care & Share Buddy Support
- Workshops On Stress, Anxiety, Sleep,
- Mindfulness Workshops
- Step Forwards 1-1 Coaching
- Health & Well-being Workshops
- Men Matters Support Group
- Time4Teens Afterschool Club
- Reiki
- Indian Head Massage
- Relaxation Classes
Social Activities:
- TLC Coffee Mornings
- Arts & Crafts
- Movie Mornings / Afternoons
- Bingo
- Yoga
- Social Nights
Stroke Support (Stroke Association)
Website: Stroke Helpline | Stroke Association
Phone: 0303 3033 100
Email: helpline@stroke.org.uk
Textphone: 18001 0303 3033 100
British Sign Language (BSL): British Sign Language | Stroke Association, with SignVideo
Post: Stroke Helpline, Stroke Association, 1 Sterling Business Park, Salthouse Road, Brackmills, Northampton, NN4 7EX
Bereavement Support
- Adults: 01922 724841
- Children: 01922 645035
Email: admin@wbss.org.uk
Address: Walsall Bereavement Support Service, Office Suite 2, The Crossing at St Pauls, Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1DA
WBSS is a local independent charity offering one-to-one support to adults, children and young people who have experienced a bereavement.
WBSS also offers group support to people who feel they would benefit from speaking with others who have experienced similar bereavements.
Groups will run on Wednesday evenings from 5pm till 6.30pm, once a month.
Available support groups:
- Parental Grief
For parents who are grieving a child, up to the age of 40, who had a life limiting illness (including adoptive & foster parents). - Bereavement by Suicide
For anyone who has experienced bereavement by suicide, whether this be a partner, spouse, parent, child, relative or friend. - Stillbirth, Stillborn & Miscarriage
For women who are bereaved by stillbirth, stillborn or miscarriage. - South Asian Women
For women with South Asian communities who have experienced complex or multiple bereavements.
Physical Health
Self Care Management Programme
Self Care Management Programme
Website: Self Care Management Team – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 605490
Email: wht.selfcare@nhs.net
What can they help you with?
- Gain/extend knowledge about how to live with your condition
- Feel confident and more in control of your life
- Manage your condition and treatment together with healthcare professionals
- Be realistic about the impact of your condition on yourself and your family
- Use your new skills and knowledge to improve your quality of life
- Meet others who share similar experiences
Diabetes Self Care Management Programme
Website: Self Care Management Team – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 605490
Email: wht.selfcare@nhs.net
What can they help you with?
- Gain/extend knowledge about how to live with Diabetes.
- Feel confident and more in control of your life.
- Manage your condition and treatment together with healthcare professionals.
- Be realistic about the impact of Diabetes on yourself and your family.
- Use your new skills and knowledge to improve your quality of life.
- Meet others who share similar experiences.
Chronic Pain Self Care Management Programme
Website: Self Care Management Team – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 605490
Email: wht.selfcare@nhs.net
What can they help you with?
- Gain/extend knowledge about how to live with Chronic Pain
- Feel confident and more in control of your life
- Be realistic about the impact of Chronic Pain on yourself and your family
- Manage your condition and treatment together working with healthcare professionals
- Use your new skills and knowledge to improve your quality of life
- Meet others who share similar experiences
Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)
Website: primaryeyecare.co.uk
Address: Find a practice
What can they help you with?
- Red eye or eyelids
- Dry, gritty or uncomfortable eyes
- Eye irritation and inflammation
- A lot of recent discharge from the eye or watery eye
- Recently occurring flashes or floaters
- Painful eye
- Ingrowing lashes
- Recent and sudden loss of vision
- Foreign body in the eye
The service is for people of all ages. Children under 16 years must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult.
Community Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES)
Website: primaryeyecare.co.uk
Address: Find a practice
What can they help you with?
- Red or painful eye or eyelids
- Recently occurring flashes or floaters
- Recent and sudden loss of vision
- Foreign body in the eye
The service is for people of all ages. Children under 16 years must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult.
Physiotherapy / MSK (Musculoskeletal)
Website: walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
Phone: 0121 568 4311 or 01922 721172 ext. 6881.
Email: physio@walsall.nhs.uk
Address: 1st Floor, Darlaston Health Centre, Pinfold Street, Darlaston, Walsall, WS10 8SY
And via a number of other community locations.
What can they help you with?
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint and muscle pain
- Back and neck pain
- Musculoskeletal injury
Refer Yourself Online
In the “Pick your GP*” box, please choose either:
- Broadway Medical Centre
- Hatherton Medical Centre
- Holland Park Surgery – Umbrella Medical
- Mossley Fields Surgery – Umbrella Medical
Podiatry (Foot care)
Website: Podiatry (Community) – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 270 380
Email: feet.walsall@nhs.net
Address: via a number of other community locations.
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
- Ingrowing toe nail (for removal)
- Rheumatoid arthritis with foot pain
- Foot wounds & ulcers
- Diabetes with foot issues (nails/callus/corn)
- Foot pain whilst walking/standing
- Neurological Conditions
- Leg/foot circulation problems
- … and more
Sexual Health (WISH Clinic)
Website: walsallsexualhealth.co.uk
Phone: 01922 270400
Email: Via their website walsallsexualhealth.co.uk
Address: Walsall Sexual Health Clinic, Pleck Road, Walsall WS2 9ES
What can they help you with?
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Contraception
- Pregnancy
- Sexual Assault
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Clinic
A clinic for women (18 years +) who have undergone female genital mutilation FGM
Phone: 07989 209 483
Email: swbh.summerfieldfgm@nhs.net
Address: Summerfield Primary Care Centre, Heath Street, Birmingham, B18 7AL
A range of support and care is delivered by an all-female team, including:
- Physical assessments and treatment
- Emotional support and counselling
- General information
Translated leaflets:
Specsavers Audiology
Website: specsavers.co.uk
Address: Find a store
What can they help you with?
- Hearing check
- Hearing aids
- Earwax removal
Abortion Services
Website: bpas.org
Phone: 0345 7304030
Email: info@bpas.org
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
If you discover that you have a pregnancy that you feel you are unable to continue with, they will be there to support you to make a decision that is right for you.
Website: nupas.co.uk
Phone: 0333 004 6666
Email: enquiries@nupas.co.uk
Live Chat: Via their website nupas.co.uk/contact-us
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) has been commissioned by the NHS to provide FREE pregnancy advice, counselling and termination of pregnancy services, including pregnancy testing, STI screening and contraception across the North West, Yorkshire, Staffordshire and London. Initial consultation appointments are available 7 days a week. We also provide these services for privately funded clients.
Website: msichoices.org.uk
Phone: 0345 300 8090
Refer yourself onlineWhat can they help you with?
They specialise in abortion treatments, advice and support for clients considering their pregnancy options.
Domestic Abuse
Women – Black Country Women’s Aid
Website: Home – Black Country Womens Aid
Phone: 0121 553 0090
24hr helpline: 0121 552 6448
Text or WhatsApp: 07384 466 181
Email (via website): Contact – Black Country Womens Aid
Support for Deaf people – SignHealth
Website: Domestic Abuse Information and Service Details – SignHealth
Text: 07800 003 421
Email: da@signhealth.org.uk
Men – Mankind
Website: ManKind Initiative – Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
Phone: 0808 800 1170
Helpline: 01823 334 244
Support for Deaf people – SignHealth
Website: Domestic Abuse Information and Service Details – SignHealth
Text: 07800 003 421
Email: da@signhealth.org.uk
‘Caring for Me and You’ Carer’s Programme
Website: Self Care Management Team – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 605490
Email: wht.selfcare@nhs.net
What can they help you with?
- Be realistic about the impact of their caring situation on themselves and their family
- Develop more effective relationships with health and care professionals
- Use their skills and knowledge to lead a fuller life
- Meet with others and share similar experiences and to know they are not coping alone
- Feel more confident when making difficult decisions
Be Well Walsall
Website: Home – Be Well Walsall (maximusuk.co.uk)
Phone: 01922 440044
Email: bewellwalsall@maximusuk.co.uk
What can they help you with?
Be Well Walsall is a free wellbeing service which can improve your physical and mental health.
Our expert team will support you to make long-lasting changes, in a way that works for you.
- Improve your wellbeing
- Be a healthier weight
- Stop smoking
- Get an NHS health check
Oviva Diabetes Support
Website: Diabetes Support | Oviva UK
Email: via their website Contact us | Oviva UK | Get in touch today
Refer yourself onlineFor people living with type 2 diabetes
In this 12 week programme, you will be supported to better manage your type 2 diabetes, improve your blood glucose levels, lose weight if you need to and to build new habits to help you lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.
My SmokeFree Life App
Website: Home MSFL Walsall – My Smoke Free Life Walsall
My Smoke Free Life App provides a weekly programme of support, the option of speaking to a Stop Smoking Advisor, along with receiving stop smoking treatments direct to your door.
Substance Misuse Service (The Beacon)
Website: changegrowlive.org
Phone: 01922 669840
Email: thebeacon@walsall.cgl.org.uk
Address: 30 Station Street, Walsall, WS2 9LZ
What can they help you with?
They can help you to cut down or stop drinking or taking drugs. They can also give you the advice to help you stay safe and healthy.
Website: WorkWell
Phone: 0800 952 6955
Email: bchft.workwellteam@nhs.net
Who is WorkWell for?
WorkWell is available for anyone who is:
- 16+ years old
- Lives or is registered to a G.P.or local Jobcentre Plus falls anywhere within the Black Country
- Has the right to work within the UK
- Anyone experiencing barriers to employment due to health conditions/disabilities
Community Nursing
Website: walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
- North locality team based at Pinfold Health Centre: 01922 605750
- East Locality Team based at Blakenall Village Centre: 01922 605751
- South Locality team based at Eldon Court: 01922 605441/01922 605752
- West Locality Team based at Darlaston Health Centre: 01922 605764
- Urgent calls: 01922 604 920 option 2
- Between 10pm to 8am and weekends: 01922 721172
What can they help you with?
The service provides nursing care predominantly in patients own homes. Nurses will visit non-housebound patients whose nursing needs indicate it is more appropriate for them to be seen in their own homes.
Website: Community Midwives – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 656 248 (1pm to 4:30pm each day)
Out of hours: 01922 721 172 extension 6967
Refer yourself onlineIf you have recently found out that you are pregnant, you don’t need to see the GP first.
You can now refer yourself to the midwife.
To do this, please click the button above to fill in the online referral form. This will be sent directly to the Community Midwives, and a copy will be sent to the GP practice.
Someone will contact you to book your first appointment with a midwife.
Free Support for New Parents (Walsall Family Hubs)
Home :: Walsall Together Family Hub
Walsall Families in the KNOW | Walsall | Facebook
Family Wellbeing Champions
Our Family Wellbeing Champions support new and expectant parents through one-one support and group activity. We focus on promoting good overall emotional wellbeing as well as helping with developing positive parent/child relationships.
PEEP Play and Storytime Fun
Bring your baby along to our fun story time Stay and Play sessions where you can meet other parents and enjoy our interactive stories and songs.
PEEP Antenatal Workshops
PEEP Antenatal workshops support expectant and new parents to tune in to the baby’s feelings, managed their own feelings and understand how to support baby’s learning and development.
Breastfeeding Support
Our accredited Breastfeeding Champions can offer support and information during your breastfeeding journey.
Parent & Toddler Stay and Play
Mindkind Project Stay and Plays offer a space to have fun with the little ones and enjoy some chat time with fellow parents and guardians.
Parent Peer Support Groups
Join our Mindkind Project peer support group and chat with fellow parents and care givers. Babies and Toddlers welcome.
To find our more, email: mindkindofficegroup@walsall.gov.uk
Secure Beginnings Counselling
FREE counselling and therapy sessions for new and expectant parents.
✔ Emotional support with your new born and up to two years
✔ Build your confidence and self esteem
To find out more, email: cts@murrayhall.co.uk
Call: 01902 826 306
Triple P for Baby
Would you like to take part in a programme that focuses on a positive start to parenthood?
You will learn about strategies to develop a positive relationship with your baby, promote your baby’s development and help teach them new skills and behaviours.
Infant Feeding Support Service
Website: Infant feeding – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 605 248 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm except, Bank Holidays)
Mobile: 07794 117247
Facebook: Walsall Welcomes Breastfeeding
We are here to support you, please contact us anytime during your feeding journey.
We offer support via:
- Telephone contact
- Virtual consultations
- Face to face consultations (by appointment only)
- Breastfeeding Peer Support Group
For further information and updates please access the Walsall Welcomes Breastfeeding Facebook page or Health for Under 5’s: Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years
The National Breastfeeding Helpline
Phone: 0300 100 0212
Webchat: National Breastfeeding Helpline – Live Chat and Social Media Support – The Breastfeeding Network
British Sign Language (BSL): Contact Scotland (contactscotland-bsl.org)
Health in Pregnancy Service (HiPS)
Website: Health In Pregnancy Service – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Phone: 01922 423252 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Email: health.pregnancyservice@nhs.net
Address: Harden Road, Walsall, West Midlands, WS3 1ET
The Health in Pregnancy Service are here to support your family during pregnancy and beyond. We are part of the 0-19 service and aim to bridge the gap between Maternity and Health Visiting Services, supporting families with individual health needs during the antenatal and postnatal period. Our team is made up of Practitioners who are registered Nurses and Midwives and Assistant Practitioners, all with qualifications and experience in public health.
We offer support and practical advice with:
- Infant Feeding
- Smoking Cessation
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Emotional Wellbeing
- Antenatal Education
- Contraception
- Transition to Parenthood/ Fatherhood advice and support
- Safe Sleep
- Immunisations
- Help with Equipment and Food
- Health Assessment and Promotion
We will be in touch to arrange an antenatal contact when you are between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. This will take place on either an individual basis or you may be invited to one of our Postnatal Preparation Groups. We also run the Little Storks Baby group aimed at families with babies under 1 and the Buggy Walk group at Walsall Arboretum.
Adult Social Care (Social Services)
Website: go.walsall.gov.uk
Phone: 0300 555 2922
Textphone: 07919 014 925
Email: initialintake@walsall.gov.uk
Address: Walsall MBC, Adult Social Care, 3rd Floor, Zone 3D, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP
What can they help you with?
Safeguarding of vulnerable adults and older people
Continence Team
Website: walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk
Phone: 01922 604 920 option 2
Email: walsallcommunity@walsall.nhs.uk
What can they help you with?
Community Continence is a nurse-led service offering holistic assessment, advice, treatment and management of bladder, bowel and continence related issues.
Digital Services
Useful smartphone apps
Useful apps for your smartphone or tablet
Do you wish you could use the internet but don’t have a computer or smartphone?
Maybe you need a bit of help getting online and knowing how to get the best out of your device?
Black Country Connected is an NHS-run programme that can lend you a Geobook laptop for three months, so that you can get online and:
- Access healthcare information and appointments
- Explore education and employment opportunities
- Do your shopping or banking
- Stay connected to others through social media and email
Our computer experts will give you the training you need to use the device and explore the internet. If you decide you want to learn more, we can give you details of free IT courses offered by colleges across the Black Country as well as online courses to help improve your digital skills.
If you get on well with your device during the loan period, you may be able to keep it. All we ask in return is that you answer some questions to help us understand people’s digital skills/usage better, so we can provide further opportunities in the future to assist people to engage with services/get online.
Want to find out more?
Call our programme lead Emma Sharman:
- 07977 948 895
- email: emma.sharman@nhs.net
- or visit: blackcountryconnected.co.uk
Free mobile phone data for people in need
Like a foodbank but for mobile data, the National Databank provides free SIM cards to help people get connected.
There are over 1,700 local community organisations giving out free mobile data across the UK you can visit to get free and friendly help.
Use the Right Service
Self Care
Care for yourself at home
- Minor cuts and grazes
- Minor bruises
- Minor sprains
- Coughs and colds
Local expert advice
- Minor illnesses
- Headaches
- Stomach upsets
- Bites and stings
- Free blood pressure checks (for people aged 40 and over)
- …and more
They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.
Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.
Most pharmacies have a private consultation room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.
NHS 111
Non-emergency help
- Feeling unwell?
- Unsure?
- Anxious?
- Need help?
111 online is available for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
You can also contact 111 in BSL through the 111 BSL Service.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
GP Advice
Out of hours: call 111
- Persistent symptoms
- Chronic pain
- Long term conditions
- New prescriptions
Please note: The Doctors do not see dental problems. They will not be able to give you dental treatment.
Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you. NHS 111 can advise on an emergency dentist if needed.
Find a dentistUTCs
Urgent Treatment Centres
- Breaks and sprains
- X-rays
- Cuts and grazes
- Fever and rashes
A&E or 999
For emergencies only
- Choking
- Chest pain
- Blacking out
- Serious blood loss
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
You can also contact the service in BSL through 999 BSL or text 999 (if you have registered your mobile number).
Page last reviewed: 07 February 2025