Zero Tolerance

Umbrella Medical has a Zero Tolerance Policy towards aggressive behaviour.

Shouting, swearing or being abusive will not be tolerated under ANY circumstances.

Patients who display any of the following behaviour could be asked to leave the premises and could be removed from our patient list:

  • Using bad language or swearing
  • Acting in a physically aggressive or intimidating way
  • Verbal abuse towards the staff in any form including insulting the staff
  • Racial abuse and sexual harassment
  • Abuse related to a person’s religion, sexuality, gender, age or disability
  • Any physical violence
  • Persistent or unrealistic demands that causes stress to staff
  • Causing damage or stealing from the Practice’s premises, staff or patients
  • Obtaining drugs and/or medical services fraudulently
  • Any other episode in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work

We are here to help and aim to be as polite as possible, even during difficult times.

We are a Zero tolerance practice and do not tolerate any form of verbal or physical abuse, bullying or any other form of intimidation. Any patient displaying behaviour of this nature towards staff, doctors or other patients, will be removed from the list with immediate effect, and if appropriate the matter will be reported to the police & the Black Country ICB.